[Mom's note: Maya's writing today was too difficult for me to manage to type. So I've taken a photo of her journal for you. Some explanations may still be in order. When she writes 7 and 10, perhaps it's obvious, but she's trying to explain how many points she received on an assignment and how many points were possible on this assignment. She says she did "pretty bene" which is actually perhaps an understatement. My understanding of the assignment was that the teacher read them a "story" (I think, it's hard to tell) and they were supposed to write what they heard (basically a dictation). Much of Maya's is actually correct and understandable. Maya also asked me to add the photos of the assignment, along with the captions.]
This is my dictation Italian:
This is the note from my teacher. It says "Cara Maya, Sei stata bravissima! Hai scritto MOLTE parole in modo corretto, altre sono comunque comprensibili. Brava!" This means "Dear Maya, You were very good! You wrote MANY words in the correct way, others however are understandable. Brava!"
I am impressed. I still think you will be able to help me understand people when we come to visit.