Friday, August 5, 2011

I love you

(Every single one of these photos was, truthfully, taken by Maya.  Well, all except for the one of her by the window.  Mom took that one.)

I went to the market yesterday before my nap.  I was trying to take a picture of the church.

I saw a fountain.

I was trying just to take a picture of the market, not the motorcycle.  I got onions and carrots and grapes.  I was trying to take a picture of the grapes.

We went to the castle.  Inside the castle we saw beads and pots and necklaces.



You put these things in that and it’s done. Coins.

I saw a dragon or a tiger.

I took a picture of daddy.

I took a picture of the stairs.

I went to see angels at the castle.

I took a picture of my shoes.

I went to the garden.

I took a picture of another daddy.

I took a picture of that.

I took a picture of my face.

I took a picture of rocks.

Someone took a picture of me.




  1. Great pictures. There's some fine composition there.

  2. Soon you'll be as good a photographer as your Daddy!
    I can't wait to see more.
    (By the way, Catskillian2 is me, Jane!)
